Friday, September 26, 2008

Blockbuster "Aaron enjoys his bouncer" 7 Oscar nominations....

Katzman production is not making you wait any longer...After prevoius success of Aaron at play you gotta watch the blockbuster "Aaron enjoys his bouncer"....Aaron is polishing his acting skills!
He is older and wiser, after all he was around the block for 5.5months now....

Jorney throug the center of the Earth.

Have you ever thought, if you start digging where you are and dig through the center of the earth where you going to ended up geographically, what will wait for you on the other side of the globe. Of course it is a hypothetical question, however answer displayed on the map in that blog.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Milestone - a 100 visitor.

Today our blog celebrated a milestone. We had a 100 visitors to our site.

US - 81
Israel - 8
Spain - 3
Portugal, Brazil, Taiwan, Indonesia, Canada, Malaysia, San Salvador -1.

North America - 82
Asia - 11
Europe - 4
South America -1
Central America -1
Africa - 0
Australia - 0

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Aroshka's movie.

New Aaroshka's movie is coming out today. We waited long time to see, this film and Katzman production did it again. The film introduces younger Aaroshka back in August, but he is enjoyable as never before. His acting skills improving from film to film. You will see it in a movies to come.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Georgia vs. Georgia

It was a matter of time to see something like that on a web. Actually it happened the first day of Georgia – Russia conflict, but it took some time for Google being able to pick it up. Ignorance has no borders and sometimes it can bite you … (you know where).

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Aroshka the singer and dancer of the year.

Aaron and Stella are singing a cappella. Aaron is also has a small dance number. Sorry for sideways cinematography.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Великий могучий русский язык‏

- Больных в семь утра закапывать всех (объявление в глазном отделении больницы).

- В связи с ремонтом парикмахерской укладка женщин будет производиться в мужском зале.

- В семь вечера в среду в третьем подъезде состоится собрание. Повестка дня: выборы домового.

- В виду холода в рентгеновском кабинете делаем только срочные переломы.

- Вы получите био-туалет по любому адресу в Москве в течение одного дня. А вместе с ним инструкцию на русском языке и квалифицированную демонстрацию.

- Вяжем детские кофточки из шерсти родителей.

- Девушка по имени Лена, которую я встретил 12 октября неподалеку от станции 'Кузьминки'. Твои белокурые волосы и красное пальто - все, что у меня осталось. Прошу откликнуться. Игорь.

- Делаем по лиэтиленовые мешки по размеру заказчика.

- Дети выдаются отцам только в трезвом состоянии.

- Дети до пятилетнего возраста проходят в цирк на руках.

- Завтра в 9.00 у магазина будет проводиться распродажа живых кур, по полторы на человека.

- ЗУБЫ? Наши стоматологи сделают все, чтобы вы навсегда забыли о них!

- Кондитерская фабрика приглашает на работу двух мужчин одного для обвёртки, другого для начинки.

- Ларек 'Вторсырья' принимает отбросы общества охотников и рыболовов в виде костей.

- Лифт вниз не поднимает.

- Организация ищет бухгалтера. Вознаграждение гарантируем!!!

- Молодой порядочный массажист выезжает на дом.

- Москвичка ищет работу по специальности или бухгалтером.

- Один звонок, и вам оформят свидетельство о смерти, изготовят венки!

- Приглашаются грузчики для интересной работы.

- Продается коккер-спаниель. Мать признана 'Лучшей сукой породы'.

- Продается немецкая овчарка. Недорого. Ест любое мясо. Особенно любит маленьких детей.

- Продается русский голубой кот. Без документов.

- Продаю коляску для новорожденного синего цвета.

- Продаются три поросенка, все разного пола.

- Продаются четыре гусыни и гусак. Все несутся.

- Ресторан не работает, официантки все распущенные.

- Сегодня в холле гостиницы состоится лекция на аморальные темы. Читает милиция.

- Совхоз 'Солнечный' закупает телок от частных лиц черно-пестрой масти

Jews love Idaho.

Imagine you are looking for a Jewish company or gathering for a Shabat or have an urge for Geffilte fish, Matzo, Borsch or other assortment of Jewish delicacies in a middle of potato country – Idaho, somewhere around Pocatello, ID. You are in luck – Pocatello has grate variety of Jewish and kosher products in their local supermarkets and specialized stores. Percent of Jewish population in town is steadily growing from 2 to 3 percent in a last decade, and the biggest in Idaho by passing even Boise. Who new, that Idaho could have a vibrant Jewish life with synagogues, religious schools and ethnic restaurants. That why I decide to post the map of Jews by county in US, so potential Jewish tourist somewhere in a middle of the US should not fill lonely. Jews are everywhere even in Idaho.

Jewish map by county in US.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Nyam, Nyam, Nyam

Nyam, Nyam Nyam. Today is a great day in Aroshka's life. We are finally graduated to the foods which did not come from our mama. Rice cereal - what a nice substitution for night helping of the whole USDA approved Jewish breast milk. Yami, Yami, Yami Rice cereal in Aroshka's tummy. Photo reportage of the first feeding shown below.

Our First Spoon of the tasty Rice cereal.

Some of food ended up on our face.

Look at our plate, we ate everything.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How we see the world on a map.

Depending were in a world you are, you have a different perception of viewing and describing the world on a map. Every one want to put the place, were they are in a upper center portion of the map, making the area were they live as a main real-estate of the map.

Europeans have Europe in a center, which would probably make it most correct representation of the world, because borders of the map will go around 180th meridian, which is international date line, so you will see not only map of the world but complete map of the day from 0 to 24 day hours.

Americans usually put America in a center, which will split Asia on a two opposite sides of the map. Splitting Russia and China and placing them on a edges of the map, I don’t think it make them both happy.

The weirdest map of all comes from Australia, by looking in it, first thing which come to the mind, are Australians familiar with common cartography laws, why do they place map up side down. The map would truly describe them as people from down under.