Sunday, July 17, 2011

Бедный Ёжик - Aaron second hit in two weeks.

The second Aaron performance was at Arlington Heights Illinois , with his second hit "Бедный Ёжик". "Бедный Ёжик" is a Russian song which became an instant hit, and the triumph of Aaron's singing career so far. Enjoy Aaron's performance and wait for a new hits to come on a Katzmanyata Blog  or our YouTube account.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Aaron Katzman - the world class bass guitar.

The new upcoming star on a music horizon, happened to be in Chicago area. The new rock-and-roll star in its best. Aaron performs one of his first solo concerts in Bourbonnais, Illinois area on a eve of Fourth of July. So Happy Birthday America and enjoy the best of rock -and-Roll from Aaron "the Mantch" Katzman.